Philippines Fine Woodwork

T & G WoodCraft, LLC.
Loading the Container with our Products

Updated 25-July-2011

Container on the way to the Suppliers to get loaded.
Note the person on the roof
His job is to make sure the truck does not hit any of the low hanging Electric Wires
[Give That Man His Sign], Note: No Gloves!

Aug-22 our shipment left the Philippines
More Pics and Prices of the Products

A nice Irish Green Container for our Shipment!

Getting ready to load

Well wrapped products

Well wrapped products

Well wrapped products

The 6 ft Standing Bear and a small Hand Chair

Bear to the right and a Hand Chair next to it
Mohogany Benches to the left

Lady Chair is getting loaded

It took 10 Men to load the container. The bear is about 250 lbs!

It took 10 Men to load the container. The bear is about 250 lbs!
Typical Taxi to the right!

Loading a Hand Chair

And theres a lot more to load!

A 6 ft Eagle with spread wings

Narra Living Room set in front, Eagle behind

8' long, 3" thick Molavi Dining Room table top on right of container

Ebony Rocking Chair is upside down

Container is getting filled!
We were worried there would be too many products to fit!

Truck Helper catches 40 winks!

And there's still more to load!

Fill in the empty spaces so the Products don't shift in shipment

And there's still more to load
2' Eagles to the left, Mohagony Bench to the right

It's really getting tight in there

And it's ALL Loaded!

And the doors are closed

And the doors are locked